Test Taking Tips

Essay Test Tips

Everyone has different methods of studying for test(s). 以下是提高学习技能的建议.

  • Estimate the time. Determine how much time you have to spend on the essay. 如果你有一个小时的时间写三篇文章,每篇文章只给自己20分钟的时间. Watch your time closely.
  • Read directions carefully. 要密切注意你是要回答整个问题,还是只回答特定数量的问题(如.e., "Answer 2 out of the 4 questions").
  • Pay close attention to key instruction words. 仔细阅读问题,寻找对答案有特定“看法”的关键词. These words include "analyze," "list," "describe," "explain," "identify," "explain," "compare," and "contrast."
  • Make an outline. 在写文章之前,写一个提纲来组织你的思路. 把你的想法写在试卷的空白处或另纸上. An outline will help you stay focused as you write.
  • Write legibly. The grader must be able to read the essay in order to grade it. Write in complete sentences and paragraphs.
  • Proofread. If time allows, proofread your work. Did you say what you intended? Correct grammar and spelling errors.

Math Test Tips

Everyone has different methods of studying for test(s). 以下是提高学习技能的建议.

  • Do the homework assignments daily. Most math subjects build on each other, and if you do not learn the first concepts in the class, you will have difficulty understanding the new ones. 做家庭作业也是很好的考试练习.
  • 考试一开始就把所有难记的公式、方程式和规则写下来. 当你遇到一个需要公式的问题时,你不会忘记它.
  • Read directions carefully. Make sure you answer all parts of the questions.
  • Show all work. Partial credit may be awarded. Write as legible as possible.
  • Skip hard problems. 如果你遇到了一个难题,跳过它,如果时间允许的话,回头再做.
  • Recheck problems. If you have time after finishing the test, recheck problems. One wrong sign could change the answer.
  • Write legibly. 如果阅卷员看不懂你用来找到答案的步骤,他/她就不能给部分分数.

Multiple/Choice Test Tips

Everyone has different methods of studying for test(s). 以下是提高学习技能的建议.

  • Answer all questions in order. Don't skip around. You may forget to go back and answer them later. 在空白处标出可疑的答案,如果时间允许,在回答完所有问题后再复习. Do not linger too long on any one question.
  • Read questions carefully. 注意那些可以改变问题意思的限定词. Circle them if it will help you interpret the question
  • Words like always, never, completely, and only are absolutes. These terms define concepts as right or wrong.
  • Watch for words like not, least, and except. 人们很容易忘记,你应该选择消极的回应.
  • Anticipate the answer. Answer the question before looking at the possible choices.
  • Eliminate answers. 如果你不确定答案,排除你认为不正确的选项.
  • Go with your first choice. If you have second thoughts about your answer, trust your first instinct, unless you are absolutely sure you were wrong.
  • Don't look for answers to fall in a pattern. They usually don't.
  • Don't leave answers blank. 如果没有猜测惩罚,总是采取一个有根据的猜测和选择一个答案.
  • Check your test over when you are finished. Look back at questions you marked questionable; something in the test might have helped you remember the correct answer.

Preparing for Tests

Everyone has different methods of studying for test(s). 以下是提高学习技能的建议.

  • Review notes daily. 趁课堂笔记还记忆犹新的时候复习一下.
  • Manage your time. Make sure you have enough time to study. Don't try pulling an all-nighter. Start studying at least a week ahead of time. Study a little every day.
  • Find a comfortable place to study. Make sure there is good lighting and little distraction.
  • Attend the class before test day. 仔细做笔记,对你不懂的问题提出问题. Know what to expect.
  • 复习——复习你的笔记、课本和其他指定的阅读材料.
  • Organize your notes. Highlight important concepts, information, and formulas. Rewrite these on one sheet or on a series of index cards.
  • Make flashcards. 记忆术语的一个好方法是用便宜的索引卡制作抽认卡.
  • Understand the material. Know the material. 不要只是通读一遍材料,然后试图记住所有的东西.
  • Form Study Groups. 如果你选择在一个小组学习,只和那些认真学习的人一起学习.
  • Find a Tutor. 与学习和教学中心联系,以获得该学科的导师. Do not wait until the day before the test to seek help.
  • Get plenty of Sleep. Make sure you get plenty of sleep the night before the test.

The Day of the Test

  • Relax. 如果你已经学习并准备好了,放松一下,散个步,或者做点运动.
  • Eat before the test. Do not skip the meal before your test. Try eating a light snack just before the test. Avoid heavy foods that will cause you to become sleepy. Drink plenty of water.
  • Arrive Early. Show up at least 5 to 10 minutes before the test will start.
  • Bring all supplies needed - Come prepared with pencils, calculator, dictionary, or any other approved or required supplies.
  • Bring a watch. 当你拿到试卷的时候,仔细看一遍,计划好每个部分的时间. 记住,在考试结束时,留出几分钟的时间来回顾一下考试.
  • Be Positive. 在整个考试过程中保持积极的态度,保持放松. 如果你感到不知所措,就深呼吸几下,然后继续.
  • Put your name on the test. 在你做任何事情之前,确保你把你的名字写在试卷和答题纸上.
  • Expect some anxiety. Being concerned will help you do your best on the test.
  • Remember others may finish before you - Don't worry if others finish before you; just concentrate on the test in front of you. You are allowed to use the full time that is allotted.
  • Review the test. 在交卷之前,仔细检查你是否有任何问题没有回答. Make sure your name is on the test.

Short Answer/Fill-In Test Tips

Everyone has different methods of studying for test(s). 以下是提高学习技能的建议.

  • Make flashcards. Write key terms, dates, and concepts on one side of an index card and the definition, event, and explanations on the other side of the card.
  • Anticipate questions. 想想考试中可能出现的问题,并练习回答. Most professors will emphasize what will be on the test.
  • 简短的回答——仔细阅读问题,并确保你提供了它所要求的一切.
  • Answer all questions. 如果你不确定完整的答案,写下你所知道的. Sometimes professors will give partial credit.
  • Answering fill-in the blank questions. There may be various answers. 然而,教授通常是在寻找与所研究材料相关的具体答案.

Test Anxiety

Everyone has different methods of studying for test(s). 以下是提高学习技能的建议.

  • Expect some anxiety. Being concerned will help you do your best on the test.
  • Think Positive. Replace all your negative thoughts with positive ones.
  • 改进你准备考试的方法——在这个网站上阅读准备考试,或者在学习和教学中心查看有关考试的小册子.
  • Seek help. 学习和教学中心有许多基础科目的导师.
  • Learn to relax. 在考试前一天晚上和早上做一些肌肉放松练习. Exercise will relieve the stress and sharpen the mind.
  • 不要等到最后一刻才准备考试——从第一天就开始学习. 课后马上复习所有笔记,每隔一天复习一次,直到考试.
  • Get plenty of rest. Do not stay up to cram all night for the test. Your body needs plenty of rest to function properly.
  • Eat before taking the test. Don't skip a meal. Eat a light snack just before taking the test. 通常推荐新鲜水果和蔬菜来缓解压力. Avoid stressful foods such as processed foods, artificial sweeteners, carbonated soft drinks chocolate, eggs, fried foods, junk foods, spicy foods. 避免高糖(糖果),这可能会加重你的病情.
  • Wear comfortable clothes. Dress in layers to accommodate test room temperature. Wear loose-fitting clothes.
  • Arrive early. Avoid putting too many tasks on the day of the test. Concentrate only on being relaxed.
  • Avoid negative test takers. They will encourage you to think you cannot do well.
  • Pick your seat. If seating is not assigned, pick a seat that will have few distractions, possibly a seat up front and away from the door.
  • The test is in your hands. Take a deep breath. You can do this. You are prepared, and you know the material. Before even looking over the test, write down any important formulas, facts, 定义和/或关键字在页边空白处,这样你就不会担心忘记它们.
  • Do essay and short answer questions first. The material is fresh in your mind, 你也不用担心在后面的考试中记住这些知识点. With Multiple/Choice, True/False and Matching, the answer is right there in front of you, and the ideas may be easier to recall later in the test.
  • Focus on what you are doing. 不要让你的大脑担心你会得到什么分数,或者别人比你先完成. Keep your mind focused.
  • Control anxiety. 停下来,把试卷翻过来,闭上眼睛,做几次深呼吸来清理你的大脑. Now turn the test back over and begin again. You can do this.
  • Evaluate the test experience. 测试结束后,列出有效的策略并坚持使用. List what did not work and look for ways of improving.
  • Seek help. If you still have major test anxiety, seek help. CMU provides counselors free of charge to current CMU students. Counselors may be reached on campus at ext. 58274.

True/False Test Tips

Everyone has different methods of studying for test(s). 以下是提高学习技能的建议.

  • Think strategically. Usually there are more true answers than false. If there is no penalty for guessing, do not leave the answer blank; you have a 50% chance of getting it right.
  • 注意修改或限制阶段-确保姓名,日期和地点是准确的.
  • Watch for key words. 像never和always这样的限定符意味着语句必须始终为真. Usually statements with these qualifiers are false. Qualifiers such as sometimes, often, frequently, “usually”或“general”的意思是,根据具体情况,该陈述可以是真的,也可以是假的. These qualifiers often indicate true answers.
  • Long statements. 如果陈述的任何部分是假的,整个陈述就是假的.

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